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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Song Journal..."Coming Season"

Hello my dear blog readers. Blogs are a funny's like taking one of my dozens of journals...those journals that are piled up in my wooden chest upstairs...the wooden chest that is missing its hinges ever since I painted it black...and did a poor job at painting it black according to my dad... it's like taking one of those journals and opening it up to the great unknown world of cyberspace and allowing countless eyeballs to read my inner thoughts and feelings. What insanity has gotten into me?! I wish I could sit down with each of you over coffee or tea or pink lemonade and chat about things instead of leaving it to computer screens for our mode of communication, but that is the age we live in, and sometimes we have to settle a little with this type of thing. Well at least I kind of have my own little bubble of friends who read this and the entire world isn't following me on twitter or something...

Now to address the twitter issue...sorry folks~ I'm not a tweeting kind of girl at this may sway me if you try, but I haven't been swayed yet...The whole twit thing seems too comfortable and cozy with the vast world of strangers out there. I'd rather not tweet y'all and tell you when I'm painting my toes or taking a nap or laughing with my family about something. And honestly, I'd rather not know when you are getting coffee or you were late to work or you just took a walk. I'd like to leave a little personal space for you to enjoy your life without telling me every incident and idiosyncrasy you may have. Everyone's telling me to tweet. I just read a book that told me to tweet. My producer tells me to tweet. Friends on the east coast and west coast and in between tell me to tweet, but I smile and say something polite...and at the end of the day I've never twittered or twattled or tweetled or twangled except for maybe feeling twitterpated by someone special.

So I'm sticking to blogging, and this alone is challenging enough for me, because I love writing, but I'd rather just write a book or a song or a little paragraph in my journal or a note to a friend, or an idea on a napkin, or honestly, sometimes writing a research paper seems more normal than writing a blog, but I'm getting used to the thing, and I'm telling myself that blogging is fun and I should discipline myself! But then I update my internet and my blog gets mad at me and it freezes for days and then there's the times I write paragraph after paragraph and somehow logout without posting or saving and I lose the whole emotional entry and then sometimes I write and it won't let me change my font, which really annoys me because fonts always express the mood I'm in. In fact, I like to change my handwriting depending on my mood, or my pen, or the color of my pen, or the size and feel of the paper I'm writing on...

So all this is to say that I'm blogging, not tweeting. I "facebook" when I can. I despise myspace (ouch, sorry myspace lovers...if there are any out there) Youtube confuses me. iphones confuse me and I don't understand why everyone is going to data plans. I think they complicate life (I'll probably chew those words when I cave and get on a plan one of these days) ipods confuse me and cheers to you if you are a kind person and get my songs off of itunes and play them on your ipod~ I've never owned such an interesting little electronic device before or experienced such a personal phenomenon myself. I sometimes buy songs from itunes and make myself mix CDs that get scratched in my car as they roll back and forth in the door pocket next to my sunglasses and other little things... Speaking of i-this and i-that, the kids I take care of try to get me to play on ipads, but they scare me too! What century was I born in? I kind of feel like I don't belong!

You know what else, if I'm going to really open up here and be honest with you folks...I'm totally out of touch with pop culture hits home when I am practicing with my band or recording in the studio and someone says "let's play it with this vibe" or "remember such and such song?" or "did you hear so and so's song on the radio, what do you think about their new style?" and I look at them with a blank face and smile (smiling is always a good thing to do when nothing else seems to work). Sometimes I silently nod and kind of go along with it, or sometimes I just say upfront "I don't know what you are talking about, sorry!" I'm not sure how people stay up to date with technology and popular culture! It's kind of like a full time job or more!

These tangents have gone on for far too long. I'm exposing my stream-of-consciousness thought process. I jump ALL over the place ALL day long.

Conclusion: I started out this blog to say that I am going to do a series of 14 blogs over 14 weeks to share with you the stories behind the 14 songs on my new album "Coming Season". I wanted to give you, my friend, a little sneak peak into the inspiration behind the album. That's it. That's what I wanted to say. I'll catch you soon with the first entry! =)

I hope your day is filled with joy!