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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Human Trafficking Awareness Day-Support Survivors!

Hi Everyone!

Tomorrow, Friday, January 11th, is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. To support those who have been rescued from modern-day slavery, and to honor the lives that still need to be freed, I wanted to do something special. Many of you know I have spent time in the Philippines with an organization I believe in with all my heart, MADE IN HOPE, which was co-founded by one of my dearest friends, Michelle Tolentino.

Starting today through this weekend only (January 10th-13th), for every Hallelujah: A Collection of Hymns CD* that is ordered, half of the proceeds will go to MADE IN HOPE. In addition, you will receive a FREE "She WORKS" human trafficking awareness bracelet. These bracelets were made by women in the Philippines who were rescued from trafficking, and I personally purchased these so I could thank each of you for supporting this great cause!

MADE IN HOPE empowers women and children who have been rescued from the global sex trafficking trade to break the cycle of exploitation and secure their freedom by providing education, sustainable livelihood opportunities, and care in the healing process. They also advocate for the still enslaved, increasing global awareness and mobilizing support. Their mission is founded in the love of Jesus, who has a plan for each life, giving us all a future MADE IN HOPE.

Let's partner together to support this amazing ministry that is rescuing lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Caitlin Jane

*proceeds from only physical CD orders will go to MADE IN HOPE, not digital downloads.
Click Here to Order and support MADE IN HOPE!